Matte Painting work
The Borgias: Castel Sant'Angelo, trees, and distant city matte painting
Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World: Snow/ice matte painting.
Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World: Stylized snow dressing
The Three Musketeers: Medieval Paris and countryside matte painting.
The Three Musketeers: Airship rear set extension.
The Three Musketeers: Countryside/distant Paris matte painting.
After Earth: Crashed Vesper spaceship and chasm matte painting under the art direction of my supervisor.
Dead Rising Watchtower: Quarantine wall, army encampment.
Dead Rising Watchtower: Container Fortress
Hanna: aerial cabin matte painting
Hot Tub Time Machine: Dilapidated hotel lobby
Hot Tub Time Machine: dilapidated town matte painting
The Borgias: Castel Sant'Angelo matte painting 2
The Borgias: South of France/lavender fields matte painting
The Borgias: Monastery and valley matte painting.
Love Happens: Seattle Space Needle matte painting
The Vow: Snow dressing and tire treads in snow.
Mama: Supernatural wall portal/water stain vfx element and concept art.
OLG/Lottomax Commercial: BG scenery matte painting
OLG/Lottomax Commercial: BG matte painting
Resident Evil Retribution: 'Under the Ice' concept art. and matte painting layers. Final shot by Mrx Fx.
Resident Evil Retribution: Umbrella underwater base tunnels matte painting/set extensions.
Resident Evil Retribution: Kamchatka/Umbrella underwater base tunnels matte painting/set extensions and 2.5D projection.
Resident Evil Retribution: 2.5D matte painting for unique camera move.
Silent Hill: Revelation: Mannequin Monster: Created concept art based on director and supervisor briefs."Synthetic monster in the midst of its metamorphasis to becoming an organic creature." Concept art by Ken McCuen / final model, creature, and animation by Mr. X FX.
The Borgias: Army encampment matte painting with tent elements, weapon racks, etc
Taking Woodstock: Garbage and muddy hill BG matte painting/extension
Game of Thrones: Season 03: The climb: Animated ice cracks and gashes created for ice wall to be swapped in/out as characters climb wall with prop pick-axes.
Collaborative Matte Paintings as artist in DMP Department:
Resident Evil Retribution: Worked with matte painting department and supervisor to create various textures and 2.5D projections for front of Whitehouse.Created some patches for 'dollhouse' interiors behind window panes. Provided BG layers for destroyed buildings.
Resident Evil Retribution: Worked with matte painting department and environment artists on large-scale VFX shot.Primarily painted layers for background and deep-background buildings in collaboration with rest of matte painting department.
Created drawn and photo-bashed concept art to be used by 3D department to create the 'clone hanger' apparatus and rail. I was only responsible for some of the concept art as the final shot was completed by Mr X FX.
Resident Evil Retribution: Clone Hangers: Created drawn and photo-bashed concept art to be used by department to create the 'clone hanger' apparatus and rail. Created drawn and photo-bashed concept art to be used by 3D department to create the 'clone hanger' apparatus and rail. I was only responsible for some of the concept art as the final shot was completed by Mr X FX.
Resident Evil Retribution: Kamchatka Ship Graveyard: Created concept art and compositon of ships to be used by matte painting department/environment artists to build final 3D/projected matte painting shot..
Resident Evil Afterlife: Explosion: Provided light and shadow maps painted as a series of 2D alphas on an aerial plate. As the asset explosion grew in size comp was able to control the intensity of blue and use shadow maps to control dispersement of light. Building roofs and sides were cut out individually from the raw plate so they could be lit separately by comp. Created numerous individual 'cast shadow maps' to be tracked into camera move.
Taking Woodstock: Worked with matte painting supervisor on final matte shot of the film. Set extension for mud/garbage and placeholders for distant vehicles and tents. Stage was a 3D asset from layout department.